4 February, 2014

RED Driving School’s Brainy 10,000

RED are proud to announce that as of February this year…

10,000 of our learners have already accessed the Road Brain Trainer e-learning tool

…with more signing up every single day. This is a great big milestone for RED, and for our learners – we’re happy to be the pioneers for this unique, kinesthetic learning tool. If you’re a Brain Trainer user, and you’d recommend it to a friend, why not vote for it in the Drivinginstructor.tv learning tools poll?

Many learners and certainly all of our instructors will already be familiar with the Road Brain Trainer tool, this free of charge tool is well worth a look if you haven’t already. Brain Trainer supplements your in-car learning with visual, practical online exercise in a number of areas – distraction training, hazard perception and even weather-specific driving simulation.

This month alone, 500 users have accessed modules designed to help learners with driving in poor conditions, modules driving in rain, snow and fog, as well as grip techniques and how to correct a skid.

Driving in adverse driving conditions, such as wind or snow can be difficult for even the most seasoned learners, 15 e-learners not managing to pass the module. The advantage here is practise, meaning 15 of our learners are able to practise this skill set before even getting into a car!

For those of you who haven’t heard of the Brain Trainer tool, why not take a look (did we mention it’s FREE?) and once you’re a registered RED learner you should be able to access the MyRED section of the site – with a proven 14% improved pass rate with its use, it would be silly not to!

Check out the demo video below, visit the myRED site for more details and to use the Brain Trainer tool: