4 February, 2017


It’s all too easy to do it…a text or call comes in, and even the best drivers amongst us have been tempted to sneak a glance at the traffic lights. However fleeting, handheld mobile phone use is incredibly dangerous – not to mention illegal – which is why we are backing two new campaigns standing against it.

A new law coming into play this week (from 1st March) means that drivers can be slapped with a £200 fine and six penalty points.

The Department for Transport and the RAC are both launching campaigns around the issue – entitled THINK! and BePhoneSmart respectively.

THINK! encourages drivers to lock their phones in the glove compartment – out of sight and out of mind. Glovebox stickers are available to encourage this and act as a reminder to put your phone away. Ask your RED instructor for details – we’ll be supplying with them to help you stay safe on the roads after you pass your test.

BePhoneSmart will direct drivers to the pledge site BePhoneSmart.uk, to make a promise not to us their phone at the wheel and also Tweet their support using #BePhoneSmart.

These are two great campaigns that we fully support and we hope you’ll get behind them too.