4 April, 2018

Drone police

Sadly, RED can’t force other drivers to be responsible on the roads, but ….

We do want to reduce stressful driving situations by encouraging awareness and patience on the roads!

That’s why RED will be introducing a fleet of drones to help tackle the harassment of learner drivers on the road. They will follow learners during their lessons to monitor for other drivers expressing ‘road rage’.

Ian McIntosh, CEO of Red Driving School says “Unfortunately, road rage seems to be on the increase and broadly it seems people are noticing that drivers are getting ruder on the roads.”

In general, the distinctive branding on RED Driving School cars lets other motorists know that the driver is learning and to be patient.

However, in some rare cases this seems to incite stress in drivers – who refuse to give learners the time and space they require. To help ensure this doesn’t result in too stressful a situation for leaners, all our Driving Instructors are trained to help diffuse any difficult situation and their focus is always on safeguarding people in the vehicle.

Being stressed or being in a rush are top causes of road rage, which 8 out of 10 drivers admit to!

Ian’s top tip for combatting road rage when you feel it creeping up is to “keep a bag of chocolate buttons in the car which you can tuck into when you feel yourself getting impatient! It’s not a perfect formula but anything that helps keep our roads safe – and moving is a good thing.”

Hopefully, our new anti road-rage drones will help combat this by reporting aggression from other drivers, and help learners feel more comfortable on the roads.

“We’re always thinking about how we can improve the experience for learners and drivers and we’re confident that better monitoring – via drones or otherwise – could improve driving conditions. Everyone on the road is trying to get somewhere – play nice!”