4 December, 2016


The RED Driving School Headquarters and Contact Centre is moving home! Just in time for Christmas, we’re moving to bigger and better premises

For the last few weeks, we have been busy fitting out our new home and we are rapidly approaching the big day. The key task is the transfer of our two superfast fibre optic broadband lines from the old building to the new! We are very reliant on our broadband service for internet traffic and telephones. Indeed, our broadband connection provides 90 lines into our business allowing us to deal with the 1000+ calls per day we receive.

All plans are now made and we’ve a team in place to help us with the big move. We’re excited to be able to provide an even better, more efficient service to help us cope with our ever-growing number of calls.

We’ll be up and running in the new and improved HQ soon – watch this space!